
I'm Harry,

Student &

Software Engineer

I am a student at Williams College majoring in Computer Science and Philosophy (expected graduation: 2025). I am also a

Neo Scholar

and a former intern at


(Summer 2022) and


(Summer 2023). This Summer I will be returning to Bubble for another internship.

Languages, Technologies & Interests


Javascript, Typescript, HTML + CSS, Solidity, Python, C, Java, Hack/PHP, Assembly


React, SolidJS, Next.js, Tailwind, GraphQL, ChatGPT API, Relay, Web3, ERC 721, Hardhat, Express.js, Firebase, MongoDB Atlas, AWS


Web Development, LLMs, Web3, Smart Contract Tech, Full Stack Development, Data Visualization, Computer Graphics, UI/UX Design, and more!


, Software Engineer, Intern

Summer 2023

Bubble is a no-code web development platform. I worked on the Growth Team, and acted as a full time engineer on the team by completing sprint tickets and contributing to AGILE ceremonies. At Bubble, I ideated and executed a project to refresh new hire onboarding, used by all new hires at Bubble, and created a universal set of standards for writing and maintaining documentation. I also contributed to multiple successful experiments, including improving the editor UI and user journey.

, Software Engineer, Intern

Summer 2022

I worked on the Service Efficiency & Capacity Tooling Team at Meta. During my time at Meta, I created two dynamic data visualization projects used by many engineers outside of the team. I also interviewed Meta engineers and gathered feedback in order to tailor projects to, and advocate for, their needs. I utilized this user feedback to update my project designs, and in the process of creating my project I wrote the second most lines of code of any engineer in the team

, Software Engineer

July 2020 – August 2021

Cadence Effects is a VFX company based in New Lebanon, NY. I Took a gap year to work as a full time software engineer at Cadence. During my gap year, I independently ideated and executed efficiency tools under the direction of the Head of Production. I also streamlined the production pipeline by creating file management tools which integrated with existing workflows, and automated video transferring tasks by creating tools that interacted with the company's web-based video storage platform. Finally, I created and maintained a company intranet

Williams College


February 2022 – Present

I have TA'ed for CS 136: Data Structures and Advanced Programming, and CS 371: Graphics. For these classes I helped explain complex programming topics to students and graded assignments.

, Programming Consultant

November 2021 – February 2022

Plexus is a smart note taking startup founded by a Williams College alumnus. I created a custom Chrome Extension for Plexus, and helped them plan their launch within the Williams College community. I also created a set of design notes and critiques for their original website and helped create new design ideas from these critiques. Plexus raised a $1.2m pre-seed backed by a set of investors, including Betaworks, Outlander, and Forum.

Personal Projects

I created a neural network to predict lung cancer based on several easily self-diagnosable conditions. In conjuction with the creation of this model, I published a website where users can interact with the model. I did this in an effort to democratize access and allow users to play with the model.

image of AI Lung Cancer Prediction Tool

I Used the ChatGPT API to create an AI powered crossword solving assistant which can give you either hints (if you just want a push in the right direction) or answers to your toughest crossword clues.

image of GPT-Crossword


During my gap year before starting college, I created Devitas — a free, easy-to-use website builder geared toward students applying for college, jobs, and internships. I independently implemented a full-stack web application for Devitas using Node.js, JavaScript, and HTML.

image of Devitas

Contact Me

If you would like to reach out to me my number is


and my email is


. I am always open to talking about interesting projects and ideas.